April 2, 2010

CoME Episode 7: Addendum

Today was a "Landmark Day" in Massachusetts as spring officially arrived at 4:42 PM. How do I know this you ask? These 4 simple facts:

1. It was 70+ degrees today and this came after the beginning of this week, which was cold and rainy and included some snow flurries. You could drink up the sun like a cold lemonade on a hot day...

2. It was so warm that I was able to drive the whole commute home with the windows down and the radio blaring. Oh, I wish I had a convertible!

3. If you listened closely at the swamp near my home you could hear the peepers going to town.

4. Howard's, our local hot dog/clam shack/ice cream stand opened today at noon. At 5 pm as I passed it, the line was well over twenty people deep at both the food and ice cream windows and the parking lot was full.

Yes folks, it is official, SPRING HAS SPRUNG HERE!


clairz said...

Ah, peepers! That used to be the best part of my NH commute at this time of year.

Here in Clovis, we are going to have a bit of a cold snap--down to 28 degrees tonight! When will this El Niño winter ever be over? The chihuahuas are shivering!!!

T Fab P said...

Clovis? CLOVIS!!??! You left the warmth and sunshine of LCNM for Clovis...Hasn't Bill taught you anything...lol