June 1, 2011

Be Careful What You Wish For…

I had an interesting weekend, filled with the type of topsy-turvy emotional action that only parents can have. It was up and down and up and down all weekend, and ended with some emotional breakdowns.

Regular readers know that right now, we are going through some of the greatest stress that we can possibly handle. Selling a house is hard work, tinted with fear of rejection, fear of failure and just plain old fear of that which is ahead of us. Now, like a good old fashion lasagna, layer this stress with CollegeBoy coming home for a short visit before moving on to take on Manhattan with his internship. We spent time trying to clean out his things, pack up what he needs, store what he wants and cram his next ten weeks of life into a couple of suitcases and a messenger bag. And if this is not spicy enough for you, let’s layer on the fact that MillieJupiter has a new apartment and is moving out of the house to get on with her life. Add a cat and a guinea pig were not sure about, and you can see the stress bubbling up like melted mozzarella cheese. No longer at stress level Green/Low, we had been upgraded to Blue / Guarded

So, the tension and stress continued to percolate during the week. CollegeBoy finished his junior year of college, packed his car and arrived home. We did some work around the house, mostly just finishing up things and then began to make plans for the big Memorial Day Weekend. There were BBQs to attend, plus the stress level went to Yellow/Elevated as we moved MillieJupiter into her new apartment. Most of her belongings and furniture were now there but there are a few stragglers. Sunday afternoon we went to a party with MissNicole’s family and friends and the stresses continued at a high level. We had a great time there, very relaxing, wonderful day but the foundation had been set.

Monday started off with a thunderstorm and the plan for our own picnic was put on hold. Instead we got out a new game for the whole family to play and certainly, the competitive nature of all of us was raised a bit. By mid afternoon, CB and MN were on their way out to her home for a visit and next day beach day. MJ got in her car and headed back to the apartment, and as her taillights flickered down our driveway, Mrsfabp had the expected reaction to the now Red/Severe stress warning a meltdown - she cried.

As I held her and we talked, I too felt the tears. We were alone, our nest empty, and suddenly our house seemed way too big, too quiet, too suffocating. For the past three years, we have been formulating a plan, acting on it, angsting over it, and a first part has come to us and we cried. This was what we wished for and we were saddened.

A couple of days later, and despite the high stress, we are doing better. MJ, CB & MN and Mrsfabp and I have started on a new journey, a new beginning. There is no telling what we will find at the end of this dream except I’m sure this was not the final time we will all cry about it either.

1 comment:

Mary Hulser said...

Loved this one, TFab, and thanks for the holding!