February 2, 2010

Read any good facts lately?

Some little known facts posted on Reddit.com. All were fact checked with documentation cited on the website.

John Tyler, 10th president of the United States was born in 1790. He has 2 living grandsons. That would be 3 generations spanning 4 centuries. How is this possible? John Tyler had a son when he was 63 and then that son had a child when he was 75.

Methamphetamine is sold as a prescription drug in the US; it's trade name is Desoxyn

Norway has more coastline than the US, including Alaska and Hawaii.

Viking ships could sail in only 18 inches of water. If it got too shallow, all the men could jump out and carry the ship until the water was deep enough.

There are bags of shit on the moon

A compressed spring weighs MORE than a relaxed spring! If you put a spring and a piece of rope on a scale, and then tie the rope around the spring so that it is compressed and weigh the two again, the scale will read two different things. By tightening the rope and compressing the spring, you gave it potential energy. This energy has a weight. Think Einstein and E=mc2. It's an unfamiliar notion because the weight difference is so small that it can hardly be measured, so we don't experience it in everyday's life.

The word, "run" has the most definitions in the dictionary. In dictionary.com:
Run = 178 definitions
Turn = 122 definitions
Set = 119 definitions

Sailors (stereotyped by the eye-patch-wearing pirate) who often went above and below deck, used eye patches to have one eye adjusted for the top deck and the other eye already adjusted for the darkness when suddenly going below deck. The strong sunlight while above deck on an oceangoing vessel could require minutes of adjustment to the dim lighting below deck. With virtually no light sources below deck, sailors would have to rely heavily upon their eyes to adjust. In the critical moments of modifying the rigging, navigating, and especially during battle, those minutes were too precious. A simple flip of the patch would have saved time when going between decks.

Having no points in tennis got to be called love because the French referred to it as having the egg (l'oeuf).

If you brought the Sun down to the size of the . on this screen, and then brought everything else down to scale, our galaxy, the Milky Way, would be the size of the continental US.

There were plenty more but no fact check documentation was provided.

1 comment:

College Student said...

Love these - but reddit? really?