May 11, 2011

It’s déjà vu all over again…

With apologies to the great Yogi Berra, philosopher and ballplayer…

Almost all of us has experienced it sometimes in our life. You remember the experience, the weird feelings you get that you have been somewhere before or said something like that or been a part of something, somewhere, sometime. We call it déjà vu, and I had an interesting experience with it today.

Now, I used to get these experiences all the time. Often they seemed to be several minutes in place or included seeing things I never had seen but would swear that I had before. Through my early thirties, I seemed to have them regularly, frequently even. Then it stopped. Maybe once in a great while I might have that feeling but it was momentary, quick, lacked the detail that it used to have. I must say, I missed it. It was always a very cool feeling, especially when you realized that you were having one of those experiences. And it was fun to try to piece it together.

It has been a long, long time since I had experienced one of those feelings, years, perhaps more than a decade. That is until last Friday.

I was in a meeting, in a place that I go to for meetings very regularly. At this meeting were maybe 10 people, all of whom I had been at a meeting with, in this particular room, before. Different times of the day, different circumstances, perhaps never this exact group of people before but maybe. There were however, two people there who had never been in this meeting room before, had never met with this group of people. As I sat listening to someone speak, I suddenly had a feeling of familiarity, as if this situation had occurred before. I happened to look at one of the people I had just mention was never in this setting with the rest of us, and he did something with his glasses and suddenly for a few seconds, it all came back to me, what was said, what was done, what was happening. I got a weird feeling in my head, and it was over. The déjà vu had passed and it was just a meeting again.

I don’t know what causes this phenomenon. The brain is a complex organ and who know how or why we experience any of these things. Perhaps dreams becoming real, perhaps the brain making up connections that really don’t exist. Maybe a time shift in the very fabric of the universe complete with time/reality shifting anomalies.

Perhaps it’s just none of the above…


Anonymous said...

Could deja vu be hereditary? For a good long while I had it at least 3-4 times a week, haven't had an episode recently though, at least one that I can remember.


T Fab P said...

I'm sure it could be. I told you my mom had a real premonition when bobby kennedy was shot which is nit deja vu but along the same celestial continum. we will have to see if they stop for you as you get older...

clairz said...

When that happens to me, I wonder if everyone else in the room is having the same experience inside their head, but not saying anything about it. Weird.

BZ said...

actually these are experiences of the merging of the different space-time continuums slightly out of phase with the enhanced perception of the infinitely numerous alternative reality universes postulated by relativity.........(boy, i always wanted to write something like that)

clairz said...

Boy, I always wanted to be married to a guy who writes like that.